Saturday 11 February 2012


A doll looking as an  ALIEN has been made from  an egg shell and tissue paper. It  has been placed on a broken plastic case.

An empty egg shell was wrapped  with  4-5 layers of  news paper 
using  diluted glue. It was properly dried. Tissue paper roll was taken and shaped to form lower part of the body. Alien's hands  were made by using wire. The clothes were also made from  tissue paper layers. Finally, it was painted with colours and  was  made 
to stand  on a base of wrapped plastic case.


A house fly has been made from the waste material viz.
i. an old scooter part  ii. steel clips of a VCR cassette  iii. soft iron wire  iv. plastic beeds    v. glue    vi. thread and  colours

Four steel clips were placed on upper side of  scooter part and tightened with the help of soft iron wire and  thread. Legs were also made in same way.  Tooth paste tube cap was  fitted with the help of adhesive tape to give the shape of  head of fly. Two plastic beeds were set to form eyes. A conical plastic net was fitted to form rear body part. To give proper shape to fly, few layers of tissue papers were wrapped over it with the help of diluted glue.  It took 2-3 days to dry . Finally, it was painted with black and white fabicryl colours.


An idea came to my mind to make a CROCODILE by using waste material. In the  beginning, I planned  & shaped a crocodile from  i. waste newspapers  ii. wire  iii. tissue paper  iv. glue.     v. febicryl colour & brush.
A  baby crocodile was shaped by using these items . It was painted with colours to decorate. 

My  nephew  Amit  gave me an  idea to make  a  big  crocodile  eating  fish. I  started  thinking 
over  it  as   to   how   and  what   to  use  to   complete the task. Ultimately  a  figure of mother 
crocodile  came  in   mind  for creation   with  following  items:-
i. Waste newspapers  ii. soft iron wire  iii. clay  iv. razma seeds  v. tissue paper  vi. glue          vii. fevicryl colours & brush. 

Firstly,  waste  newspapers  were  given  the  shape  of crocodile   with  the  help  of  glue and  adhesive  tape. Its  jaws  and    teeth  were  made  from  rolled   newspaper  and  postcard sheet and  pasted  with  glue  on  outer  side  of  the  mouth  showing  teeth. To  give proper shape to uneven back, I fixed some razma seeds. Some  clay  was  also  applied  to  make   thorny tail.   4-5 layers  of  tissue paper  were  wrapped  on the  complete  structure  and  it  was  dried properly. A fish was also made from  newspapers .  To give a final shape, it was painted with colours. The  CROCODILES are before you.

Thursday 9 February 2012


My idea behind starting this blog is to show that  every item on this earth has its own worth. A person who  knows the value , utilises gainfully, otherwise  misutilises or throws it as waste/ garbage.